Christian Bugnion de Moreta

Economist, post-graduate degrees

Local Development Expert

Vetted RBM and M&E Expert (United Nations Development Programme UNDP)

Seasoned Evaluation Team leader

Since 1995 evaluation experience in humanitarian aid, development, conflict management and natural disasters

Trainer and workshop facilitator in RBM and M&E “319 professionals trained to date”

Former European Evaluation Society Member, ALNAP (Active Learning Network on Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action) Observer

Languages: French mother tongue, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Catalan

Carmen-Dalleres-Angulo Carmen Dallerés Angulo

Lawyer, PhilologistExpert in International Development Cooperation

International Private Law (Immigration law)

Project Coordinator in Lawyers without Borders (JsF) Spain, a Non-Governmental Organisation specialised in International cooperation from a judicial perspective

Governing board member of JsF

Gender Committee Member

Languages: Spanish mother tongue, French, English, Spanish, Italian, Catalan, German

Gérard Chagniot – expert senior associé

Former Senior Officer of the French Navy (20 years of service), graduate of military higher education (master’s degree)

Senior professional staff retired from the United Nations (UN) (21 years of service)

Former Senior Adviser of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

More than twenty-five years of experience in crisis prevention and recovery, governance and rule of law, security sector reform and peacebuilding

Consultant in project evaluation and strategy development, conflict prevention and management, reconciliation and social cohesion, armed violence reduction and community security

Specialist in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Results-Based Management (RBM) (UNDP NY, United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) Turin)

Languages: French mother tongue, English, Spanish, Portuguese


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