1. Number of persons contracted and names : Christian Bugnion
2. Title of project, programme or policy : EmPower Training Programme
2.b. Mission date : January 2016 to April 2016
3. Type of service (Please tick as appropriate)
Evaluation : X
4. Please appraise the overall quality of services undertaken (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-) : 9
5. Regarding our staff, please appraise (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-)
- skills : 9
- knowledge : 9
- attitude : 10
- commitment : 10
6. Please also indicate the level of appropriateness of the methodology and methodological tools that were used during the assignment (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-) : 9
7. Kindly appraise the quality of the final report delivered (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-) in terms of
- style : 9
- content : 9
- clarity : 8
- format : 8
- length : 9
- answering the TOR : 9
8. Kindly indicate the level of usefulness and utilisation of the services rendered (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-) : 9
9. Did our services contribute to positive change within your organisation? Please tick as appropriate :
Yes X No _ Not applicable _
10. Did ourservices contribute to improved practices within your organisation?
Yes X No _ Not applicable _
11. Have our services contributed to obtaining increased donor support?
Yes _ No _ Not applicable X
If no, why? Please ask us again in 1 or 2 years!
We could answer that maybe in one year.
12. How do our services compare to that of our competitors (other companies) :
Better X worse _ Same _
Please explain:
See list of strengths point 12
Please list our strengths
- ability to identify crucial points within a short time frame
- ability to work in an international and intercultural context
- flexibility to adapt to heterogeneous stakeholders
- ability to name challenges in a clear and direct way
- compliance with relevant evaluation standards
Please indicate your name : Julika Funk
Your title and your organisation : Evaluation Manager, PCF, Programme Switzerland
current date :