Marija Nikolovska


In order to help us improve the quality of our services, kindly fill the following questionnaire and return it to us by e-mail at your best convenience. Thank you for helping us in this endeavour. You receive this questionnaire because you have contracted our services in the past, either directly or indirectly. The filling of this form will take no more than ten minutes and will contribute to maintaining our objectives : dedication to the pursuit of excellence through customer satisfaction in Quality Evaluation, Research and Planning Services.

1. Number of persons contracted and names: Christian Bugnion de Moreta

2. Title of project, programme or policy: “Enhancement of National Capacities to Combat Human Trafficking in Azerbaijan (ENCT)” Project

2.b. Mission date: June 2019

3. Type of service (Please tick as appropriate)

Evaluation: X
Planning mission: _
Research: _
Other (specify): _

4. Please appraise the overall quality of services undertaken
(on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-): 10

5. Regarding our staff, please appraise (on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-)
skills : 10
knowledge : 10
attitude : 09
commitment : 10

6. Please also indicate the level of appropriateness of the methodology and methodological tools that were used during the assignment
(on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-): 10

7. Kindly appraise the quality of the final report delivered
(on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-) in terms of:

style : 10
content : 10
clarity : 10
format : 08
length : 10
answering the TOR: 10
8. Kindly indicate the level of usefulness and utilisation of the services rendered
(on a scale of 0 –lowest- to 10 –highest-): 10

9. Did our services contribute to positive change within your organisation? Please tick as appropriate:
Yes X No _ Not applicable _

If no, why?

10. Did our services contribute to improved practices within your organisation?
Yes X No _ Not applicable _

If no, why?

11. Have our services contributed to obtaining increased donor support?
Yes _ No X Not applicable _

If no, why? Not yet

12. How do our services compare to that of our competitors (other companies):
Better X worse _ Same _
Please explain

You give impression as a very strict person and somehow at first glance not easily approachable. You are great professional that allows for opinions of the others to be heard and questions to be asked. You follow agreed plan and push for the follow up and feedback to be delivered on time.

12. Please list our strengths

Very knowledgeable and experienced in your field of expertise.

13. Please list our weaknesses

No weaknesses

14. What can be improved?

I was very impressed by your professionalism from the first skype interview for the other project evaluation you did in our mission. You are extremely knowledgeable and experienced professional , continue with the excellent work you are doing. Thank you for being part of our project.

Please indicate your name: Marija Nikolovska,
Your title and your organisation: Project Manager/Evaluation Manager, IOM AZE
current date :17.07.2019

Thank you for your time and kind collaboration and for helping us better serve you.