Peter Troy

Submit form date : 23/08/2006
1. Name: Peter Troy
2. Title: Former Head of Humanitarian Response Team, Conflict, Humanitarian and Security Department
3. Organisation: DFID
4. Country: United Kingdom
5. Number of persons contracted and names: 1 Christian Bugnion
6. Title of project, programme or policy: Baseline Study for the Good Humanitarian Donorship Burundi Pilot
7. Mission date: 01/04/2004
8. Type of service Evaluation
9. Overall quality of services undertaken: 8
10. Regarding our staff, apraise
1. skills 8
2. knowledge 7
3. attitude 8
4. commitment 7
11. Level of appropriateness of the methodology and methodological tools : 9
12. Appraise the quality of the final report delivered
1. style 8
2. content 8
3. clarity 7
4. format 7
5. length 8
6. answering the TOR 7
13. Level of usefulness and utilization of the services rendered: 9
14. Did our services contribute to positive change within your organisation? YES
15. Did our services contribute to improved practices within your organisation? YES
16. Have our services contributed to obtaining increased donor support? N/A
17. How do our services compare to that of our competitors (other companies) N/A
18. List of our strengths Stuck to the task despite some ambiguity in the requirement and some in-country donor hostility to the GHD concept